For this assignment, I am required to define some technology terms, then give examples of the term that I use.
Freeware-computer programs or applications that users can use for free. Ex: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office
Shareware-software that the designer allows users to try for free, with the understanding that if the users decide to continue to use the program, they will pay the fee. Ex:Anti-Virus software, Adobe Suites
Open source-a program that the developers have made free for the general public to use and modify. Ex: Mozilla Firefox, WordPress
Commercial Software-software that is designed for sale only, although free packages are also available. Ex: Google, Microsoft Apple
The second part of the assignment is to describe how to software piracy impacts society versus how freeware and shareware do.
When programs are free for the public to use, scammers have to incentive to copy the programs and sell them for a profit. This is because when software is free, users will not want to pay to have forfeited programs. when this happens the "bad people," or those who steal the products will no longer be able to rely on that form of a job for income. However, the companies who make the programs, will also lose a profit by allowing users to by their products for free. So the challenge for the companies is to try to find the right area where they will still make enough of a profit for the company to survive, while not allowing the "scammers" to survive.
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